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Lesley Aitchison's - Cornwall selection

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A selection of :- Cornwall Acts of Parliament
When ordering from this list please note item No, and brief description.
Measurements for maps, engravings, etc are given depth x width.

  1. Buller (James), of Downes, Crediton THREE LETTERS from James Buller to Francis Paynter about property matters. Comprises: (i) From London May 1792. 2p., 4to. Address panel and postmark on verso. Asks him to send 4gns. to 'Col. Willyams'. Will agree to terms of lease on two houses in Penzance. (ii) From Penzance May 2 1792. 13 lines on 1p., small folio. He doesn't want to extend Nankivell's lease of Golden beyond 14 years. He has left the book of lives at Downes. (iii) From Grosvenor Square, London 28th February 1804. Approves proposals for Treworthal, and the £75 a year rent from Mr Peters, and would like to give the Pollard family of Rosewin and Bodinna the benefit of the doubt for the consideration money. 2p., small folio. Address panel on verso, 'free' written above Buller's name... with... Letter from John Buller in Penzance, to his wife in London. 1833. 4 items. 1792-1804. £25.00
    James Buller of Downes, near Crediton, was Member of Parliament for Exeter.

  2. Camborne MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT between John Fiddick and Henry Walters of Camborne whereby Fiddick surrenders his title in Croft Mitchel in Camborne, excepting the house and '20 Lace of ground' to till for potatoes, plus a small slip with some conditions. 1p., folio. 1811. £12.00

  3. Central Cornwall Railway Company MAP Showing Through Route. Lithographed map size 10" x 13" showing railway network west of London, and as far north as Birmingham, with route from Launceston to Truro in red, with table comparing mileage on narrow and broad gauge lines. Printed on thin paper, which has some light overall creasing. Original vertical folds. Edge tears at left and bottom edge. c1850. £24.00
    This is no doubt from the original Prospectus.

  4. Cornish Tin Mines OFFER OF THE EMPLOYERS' FEDERATION to the Workers on the Mines. Printed 4to sheet detailing the present wages, rise per week etc for 7 grades of men, with additional concessions. States that if these terms are not accepted "the responsibility must rest with the men of certain Mines closing down never to re-open again". 1920. £14.00

  5. Cornwall election MR. PENDARVES Respectfully Solicits your Vote and Interest, at the next General Election, for this County. Printed on thick card, size 2«" x 3«". E. Heard, Printer, Truro. 1841? £7.00

  6. Crantock LETTER from John Stephens to Edward Coode at St. Austell. Says he has surveyed Dr Wynn's tenement in Crantock and encloses survey (not present). He's asked Richard Henwood to deliver it. 8 lines on 1p., 4to. Blank conjoint leaf with address panel, and some rough notes about values. Remains of seal. July 15th, 1805. £8.00

  7. East Cornwall Election THE TORY-LORD'S PETITION Most Humbly and Respectfully Addressed To the Electors of the Eastern Division of the County of Cornwall. Election broadside, size 11" x 9", folds. A poem in 10 stanzas satirising Lord Valletort, written as if by him, bemoaning his fate and the old days of rotten boroughs, sinecures and corruption, and fantasising about wreaking vengeance on 'Reform and Grey'. With six interesting footnotes explaining the references. Some slight creasing at edges. Hayne, Printer, Bookseller &c, Bodmin. September, 1832. £45.00
    'Must I, of Boroughs, power, and hope bereft/(Oh! dismal times for those that live to see'em)/Must I, a hapless spectacle, be left/To hang with Mummies in the Kings' Museum?'

  8. Election ANNIVERSARY OF WATERLOO!! TRURO ELECTION The Glorious 18th of June. Broadside in support of Sir Hussey Vivian's candidacy. Printed on one side of sheet 16" x 10". Heading in large letters. 15 lines of text mentioning Vivian's service at Waterloo. This is followed by a 'Song', of four stanzas in support of Vivian, ending with 'Vivian and Truro for Ever!' in large letters. Some minor creasing in top margin. Heard, Printer, Truro. June 18, 1818. £70.00

  9. Falmouth BILL OF PARCELS FRUIT BT AT PENRYN Falmouth 22nd August 1781. Christopher Wallis's bill for Joseph Banfield for 'part of the Cargo of the Bark Vron Gerteny(?) Adriana bot. at Publick Sale. Lists itemised sums for 9 Lots, over 3 pages, folio, with no indication of what the lots were, just prices. Each lot has approx. 10 items. There is mark which may be a merchant's mark next to the Lot no. On the back page is a note of cellarage charge for three months at 8s a ton, and 'porterage removing your fruit from one Cellar to another being obliged to deliver up the former'. Folded, with docket title as above. 1781. £55.00

  10. Fraddon BILL on small slip titled 'Mr Paynter Bill to Fradden Gate' Sept. - January 1801, mentions 'sadle horses' 'cheas', enclosed in small sheet of paper with docket title 'the Keeper of Fraddon Gate in full to this day £0.5.8d'. 1801. £8.00

  11. Germoe WILL of Joseph Tuckfield of Germoe in the County of Cornwall, Miner. Appoints Stephen Davey, Farmer and John Curtis, Farmer and Mine Agent, both of Breage, as Trustees. 19th Feb. 1871. 1p. sm. folio, signed and witnessed. 1871. £12.00

  12. Godolphin (Sidney) SIGNATURE on part of a document. Right hand edge only of a document of 10 lines, size of paper approx. 8" x 2". Signed 'Godolphin' in a large hand... together with a small circular engraved portrait of Godolphin from a drawing by Benoist. n.d. c1702? £7.00
    Godolphin was Lord High Treasurer under Queen Anne. He was M.P. for Helston and owned leases of many tin mines. Phrases in the torn off paper include ''Mat.s Letters', 'Civill Government', 'Trea'ry Chambers'.

  13. Gunwalloe LEASE of houses and garden at Chinalls, (part of the Manor of Carminowe) in Gunwalloe, John Jope Rogers to John Freeman... together with... similar lease of House and Capstan at Chinalls, to Rev. Thomas Leah and J. Coulson. 2 items. Large vellum sheet, 27" x 31", wax seal. 1867. £10.00

  14. Gunwalloe LEASE of houses and garden at Chinalls, (part of the Manor of Carminowe) in Gunwalloe, John Jope Rogers to John Freeman. Large vellum sheet, 27" x 31", 1867... with... Similar lease of house and garden at Chinalls, John Jope Rogers to Thomas Jose, 1867... with... Counterpart Lease of Dwelling House and Capstan at Chinalls, John Jope Rogers to Revd. Thomas Leah and J. Coulson, 1867... with... Lease of Houses and garden at Chinalls, John Jope Rogers to Edward Gabriel, 1870. Four leases, all signed by Rogers with large wax seal and naming 'lives'. 1867-70. £34.00
    In Symons 'Gazetteer of Cornwall' Chynalls is listed as 'a farm in Gunwalloe'.

  15. Gwinear AFFADAVIT of Service of Order Nisi. Filed 11th November 1842, in case in the Stannary Court of John Vivian, Glynn Grylls and John Kendall, against Thomas Robinson. Says the Plaintiffs Petition was dismissed for want of prosecution. 1p., sm. folio. Attached is Affadavit of John Pascoe, Bailiff saying he served the order to Frederick Hill, Solicitor for the Plaintiffs, at Helston. Small blurred blue Stannary stamp. 1842. £14.00
    Grylls and Kendall were bankers to the Relistian Mine in Gwinear.

  16. Gwinear DEMISE for 2000 years of the estate of Taskus in Gwinear for securing £500, Robert Osborne to Revd. Henry Penneck. Large vellum sheet, engraved heading. Wax seal, receipt for sum on verso, with another wax seal. 1848. £12.00

  17. Hammond (J) LETTER to a Dr. Gatley, March 12, 1910. 1«p, sm. 8vo, on headed paper of 38 Queen Square, Bloomsbury. Says in answer to his query 'I am not exactly a West Country man' but Cornwall has 'a warm place in my affections' and he spent 21 years there. £8.00
    Possibly Joseph Hammond who wrote the book on St. Austell.

  18. Hayter & Co. Ltd. maker 'VICTORY' PLYWOOD JIG-SAW PUZZLE Popular Series No P.2. 75 Wood Pieces. Puzzle size 8" x 6", showing people daffodil pickers on a hillside, cottages and a bay with cliffs in distance. In original box, two very small spots of rubbing on picture on box. n.d. c1960. £5.00

  19. Helston enclosure LETTER to James Plomer at Helston from W. Sandys. Asks about arrangements for a meeting regarding the Helston Inclosure. He is sending notices for the church door, and asks him to send copies to the newspapers. Suggests the Guildhall for the meeting 'if everything is smooth a month will be ample...'. 54 lines on 3p., 4to, folded with address panel on verso, wax seal, 'B.S.F.' postmark and large '5/'. Sept. 1818. £14.00

  20. Helston HELSTON CHURCH PROVIDENT SOCIETY Rules. Small folio sheet, printed on one side only, title printed in attractive 'shadowed' type. Penaluna, Helston, Printer. c1865. £8.00
    Lists eleven rules about eligibility etc., e.g. 'Those Parents who neglect Public Worship... shall have no addition made to their Deposits...' The Society helped the poor of the town with clothing and coals.

  21. Helston in Kirrier (Manor of) SURRENDER At a Special Court held the first day of April... 1812.... Richard Johns of Helston surrenders to John Rogers Lord of the Manor a barn and mowhay called Lower Gwelehellis, lands called Parkanrose, Mill Meadow, Tabbne Dainty etc., in Wendron. Signed by Thos. Grylls, Steward. On vellum, size 30" x 13", 2 blue paper tax stamps, some slight fading of ink in places, but always legible. 1812. £22.00

  22. Helston market MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT between John Cock and Thomas Wills Farmers of the Market of the Borough of Helston, and Anthony Hoskyn and John Sandys of Pengarrack in St. Keverne (on behalf of themselves and Sir Francis Vyvyan and others). Manuscript on 3p., small folio, folded. Sets a temporary rate for toll on corn brought to the market whilst a legal dispute was in progress. This is a copy, with the day and the 'penal sum' not filled in. May 1732. £18.00
    The toll was to be a pint and a half of corn in dues for every bushell.

  23. Helston NOTICE to John Penberthy from Glynn Grylls, Town Clerk. States that unless his dog 'be forthwith destroyed or kept muzzled' a Bill of Indictment will be served against him at the next Quarter Sessions. 11 lines in a large neat hand on one side, 4to, folded with docket title on verso 'Notice to J. Penberthy to muzzle his Dog. Copy served by G. Dobb' 27th Feb. 1829. £12.00

  24. Helston, Borough of ABSTRACT OF ACCOUNT For the Year Ending 31st August, 1874. N. Trengrouse, Treasurer. Printed in large type, size 12" x 20", folds. Shows Receipts from Tolls, Borough Rate etc., and Expenditure on Salaries, Gaol Maintenance of Prisoners, Police etc. 1874. £18.00
    'Police and Constables' cost £110 16s. 5d.

  25. Illogan ASSIGNMENT of a house and land next to Tolcarne Farm in Illogan, William Bawden to Thomas Bawden. On paper, 2 large folio pages, folded. 1865. £10.00

  26. Lanlivery and Lostwithiel PLAN OF THE PELYN ESTATE in the Parishes of Lanlivery and Lostwithiel. For sale by Auction June 23rd 1925. Colour plan only from auction sale particulars. Size 37" x 30", scale 14" to a mile. Shows 16 Lots. 1925. £7.00

  27. Liskeard TO THE VOTERS FOR MEMBERS TO SERVE IN PARLIAMENT for the County of Cornwall. Broadside reprinting Joseph Childs letter to the Editor of the West Briton, Liskeard 20th February, 1826, with an introductory paragraph 'as an individual publicly attacked by the organ of the ultra Tories I send you this explanation of my conduct...'. 50 lines, size 16" x 10", folded and sent through the post to E.W.W. Pendarves. Straight-line Liskeard postmark with numbers '237'. Rowes, Printers, Whimple-Street, Plymouth. 1826. £40.00
    Refers to the controversy among the Liberal party about Catholic Emancipation. 'I trust we shall never see the County of Cornwall brought to a level with the Borough of Ipswich' (where a friend of his had been hooted out of town preceded by the Corporation carrying the images of saints on poles). Ends with a plea for religious tolerance.

  28. Lostwithiel BILL to the Churchwarden of Lostwithiel Church from E. Ash, for tuning the church organ. Sm. 8vo, signed by E. Ash over stamp. May 3rd 1867. £5.00

  29. Ludgvan AN AGREEMENT between John Peverell Rogers of Penrose and Matthew Trewhella of Pigmoor. 3p, folio, with coloured sketch map size 7" x 4" in text, showing the various claypits at Pigmoor. 1883. £18.00
    The agreement was to settle a dispute relating to an original Sett of 1876.

  30. Manaccan DECLARATION of Edward and Jane Williams that they have received the £100 due to them under the will of Francis Boucher of Manaccan, yeoman, and that they release the executor James Johns of any further claims. 1«p, large folio, signed by Edward and Jane, with small papered seals. Witnessed by Patrick Reilly. 1794. £15.00

    CORNISH Manuscripts, Maps, Engravings, Ephemera, etc.
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  31. Mining LETTER from J. Stackhouse to Pearse Rogers at Helston. Dated Trelowarren, Aug. 19th 1813. 2p., 4to, blank conjoint leaf with address panel on verso, small hole where wax seal removed. Asks if he has met with Mr. Beachamp's Agent about Spernon's Sett, and asks 'what is done by my Tin... I am glad we have agreed to set Condurrow to work. They are to put in a small Fire Engine at 1/15th Dist.' 1813. £18.00


  32. Mining PENNECK AND DUNKIN'S PATENT EQUALIZER A Machine to be attached to Steam Engines working expansive. 3p., 13" x 8". Folded, and addressed on blank verso of second leaf to Mr. F. Michell, Engineer, Redruth. Small hole in left margin of second page where seal on letter torn away, not affecting text. Vigurs, Printer, Penzance. August 29th, 1820. £80.00
    Robert Dunkin was a Quaker businessman and mentor of Humphrey Davy. In 1813 he took out a patent 'For methods of lessening the consumption of steam and fuel in working fire engines and also methods for the improvement of certain instruments useful for mining and other purposes.' The machine was trialled at the Ding Dong Mine on August 5th, 1820, with Mr Batten and Capt. Chenhalls in attendance. The report of those two and the Captain and Engineer of the Ding Dong is printed verbatim. The aim of the Equalizer was to save steam on the first stroke, and thereby quantities of coal. Estimates that it would save half of the amount of £53,952 spent on coal in the Cornish mines: 'Mines will continue to work that otherwise from the great expense of Steam Engines, must inevitably stop... Miners will be employed who with their families would be a burthen to the parishes...'

  33. Mylor TO THE INHABITANTS OF THE PARISH OF MYLOR Gentlemen... Yesterday at the Church a notice was given of a Vestry to be held... for the purpose of taking into consideration the Wants and Distresses of the Poor belonging to this parish... Broadside printed on both sides of sheet 13" x 8". Attack the proposal that the farming interest (naming Plomer, Carvoso, Elliott, Pellowe of the parish) are to be subsidised out of parish rates in paying their labourers. Signed 'X-'. Someone has written 'W. Webb Esq.' below this. Some light browning spots. J. Lake, Commercial Printing-Office, Falmouth. 1817. £60.00
    '... the Commander of a Ship residing in the parish may also... say to the Farmer, 'Pay two-fifths of my men's wages, for I pay two-fifths of yours...' Stresses that he is not against helping the poor and hopes to hear of some Public Works being undertaken by the Overseers, 'which while it gives employment to many, will ultimately become beneficial to all'.

  34. Penzance Bank LETTER on headed paper of Mounts Bay Bank, Penzance. Printed letter to Messrs. Cornish and Borlase at Gweek, enclosing 'Williams accep.' and asking them to 'credit us same'. Address and postmark on verso, broken wax sea. 1851. £5.00

  35. Political satire BE DISPOSED OF BY PRIVATE CONTRACT .... the following Horses... of a Nobleman who has no further use for them in this Country, they will be sent to Yarmouth or some distant place.... Manuscript on 1p. large folio, listing names of twelve horses, presumably referring to local politicians. There follow two pages 'For Sale by Auction' listing 10 Lots, with name of horse and scurrilous description, e.g. 'Buddle Boy' a Cart horse got by Tinner out of Ball Maiden... he has latterly manifested vicious propensities and has attempted to kick the Grandson of the gentleman to whose kindness he was formerly much indebted...', 'Beelzebub... his pedigree... may be had at the Pot House Bolingey in the parish of Perranzabuloe, where he was foaled and reared... he was broken in at Lostwithiel...'. On the fourth page it says the lots may be viewed at 'the Parsonage House St. Michael Penkwell. 18th May 1820.' 1820. £55.00
    There is a detailed description for each horse, some 10-12 lines.

  36. Sithney PLAN OF SEVERAL PLOTS OF GROUND lying contiguous to the boundary line between Bosoar... the Property of the Rev. Canon Rogers, and certain lands belonging to Sir John Y. Buller. Basic manuscript plan in ink and two colours, scale 99 ft. to an inch. Size 25" x 10", folded. Shows very thin strips of land at boundary, boundary stones, Reference Table at bottom. n.d. c1830? £18.00

  37. Sithney PLAN of Proposed New Hedge to enclose Site of old Cottages at Sithney Common. Basic plan in ink and colour, size 15" x 23", scale 32ft to 1 inch. Shows 5 roads leading from Sithney Common, some houses. Names to have been printed with rubber stamp kit. 1902. £10.00

  38. Sithney THE LIST OF PERSONS ENTITLED TO VOTE in the Election of a Member for the Borough of Helston, in respect of Property occupied within the parish of Sithney. Printed sheet, signed by the four Overseers, size 14" x 18", listing 139 voters, in columns with Nature of Qualification, Place in the Parish. Folded in half vertically, traces of other folds, pin-holes at corners (these lists were usually nailed to the church door). Someone has numbered each entry in ink at the left of each name, from 229 - 368. They have also made amendments to about a dozen entries, for example deleting 'Mill' in 'House and Mill'. Roberts, Printer, Helston. 1833. £50.00

  39. Sithney THE LIST OF PERSONS entitled to vote in the Election of a Member for the Borough of Helston, in respect of Property occupied within the Parish of Sithney by virtue of an Act passed in the Second Year of the Reign of King William the Fourth..... Folio sheet folded to size 15" x 18", printed in columns with name of Voter, Nature of Qualification, Street, Lane or other Place where property situated. Numbered in ink in margin, signed by Sithney Overseers at bottom, a few names added in ink. Folds. Dated in ink on verso. Roberts, Printer, Helston (1832). £30.00
    Lists 110 voters in alphabetical order.

  40. St. Clements STATEMENT OF MONIES EXPENDED by Mrs Stephens for her son John Wilkins. Apparently intended as a petition to the Judge on Circuit, perhaps to allege grounds for.... retaining possession of lands belonging to her son. Manuscript, 1p, sm. folio, docket titled on verso as above, beginning 'The Humble Petition of Catherine Wilkins' to Lord Bathurst, setting out sums of money spent on behalf of her son 'and that yr. petitioner sold an Estate called Parken orchard in the parish of St. Clements...' Includes money for ploughing, for 24 sheep, for barley, wages to Margaret Trebilcock, 'for my sons Diett in prison £8.0s 0d' etc. Folds, some small foxing spots. Signed by Catherine Stephens. 1754. £22.00
    Also refers to an estate called Bosoar. She had apparently maintained her sons family while he was in prison for one year.

  41. St. Erth AUCTION POSTER Advertising the sale of the Fee-Simple of a Tenement in Higher Leah, adjoining Tenement in Killinoon, in the occupation of Richard Woon, moiety of Killinoon Common.... Sale at the White Hart Hotel, Hayle, on Friday 15th August 1873. Size 24" x 17", several folds, few short tears to margins. 1873. £8.00

  42. St. Erth MEMORANDUM whereby Christopher Kingdon of St. Erth, yeoman, swears before E.W. Stackhouse, Justice, that he had a pocket book with 23 one pound notes and a check drawn on Messrs Bolitho feloniously stolen from his barn at St. Erth, and he suspects Richard Glanyer of Crowan Mine as no other person was in the barn. Signed by Kingdom with his mark. 1p., sm. folio. 1807. £10.00

  43. St. Ives and London BILL of Henry Arnold, Bookseller & Stationer, Brunswick Square, 27th Oct. 1846. 'Newspapers etc. to all parts of Great Britain Post Free..' 4to, printed heading, made out for sending The Shipping Gazette to 'News Room, St. Ives.' Folds, short repaired tear in blank area at one fold. 1846. £8.00

  44. St. Ives and London LETTER to the Executors of W. T. Praed, M.P., from Henry Arnold, Russell Square, 27th Oct. 1846. 1p., 4to, blank conjoint leaf with address on verso. Says he is forwarding a copy of the Shipping Gazette daily to the News Room, St. Ives on order of the late W.T. Praed M.P. 1846. £5.00

  45. St. Ives SKETCHBOOK of an amateur watercolourist. Sketchbook size 5" x 7«", plain cloth-covered boards. Contains 11 attractive and competent watercolours of views in St. Ives, dated between 1906 and 1908. titled, plus views of St. Michael's Mount (2), Porthmeor Sands, Newlyn, Lamorna (pencil sketch), Lands End and first and last house. Other pages with small studies of fishermen, boats, pine tree, sea-scape etc. 1906. £40.00

  46. St. Ives SPECIAL EDITION OF THE CORNISH TELEGRAPH The Presentation of St. Ives, Mr. Pendarves before the Electors. Newsprint, in three columns, heading in large typeface. Size 29" x 13", 10" long horizontal tear repaired with archival tape. Reports on a meeting in the Town Hall, St. Ives, with introduction of Pendarves by the Chairman, and Pendarves long speech. Printed at the Cornish Telegraph Office, April 1st, 1881. £15.00
    Pendarves condemns over-interference in foreign affairs of the previous government, loss of life and expense of Afghan War. Also mentions the Boers of South Africa, plans for the Harbour at St. Ives.

  47. St. Ives THE REPRESENTATION OF ST. IVES Mr Pendarves before the Electors. Off-print from the Cornish Telegraph, printed on one side only, size 30" x 12", in three columns, comprising a letter to the electors from William Cole Pendarves, the Liberal candidate, and a Report of his election meeting at St. Ives Town Hall. Numerous folds, long repaired tear across 1 fold. 1881. £7.00

  48. St. Just in Roseland AUCTION HANDBILL advertising sale in Truro of properties in St. Just in Roseland, Veryan, Cornelly, and Cuby. Size 12" x 8", folds. Describes 6 Lots, with occupiers, including cottage called 'Towns Close' at Trethewell, land called Reskevus in Veryan, 'Wallish Down' etc. Untidy notes of prices in pencil in margin, three lots marked with large ink cross. Attached is a crude plan on tracing paper of Lot 6, and a solicitor's letter. 1874. £5.00

  49. St. Minver AGREEMENT whereby William Profit agrees to take of Rev. Sandys the Great Tithes of the Farms of Parkwathen, Cockmoyle, Trewint, for 5 years. 1p., small folio. Blank conjoint leaf. Contemporary copy, 1815. £8.00

  50. St. Minver CERTIFICATE OF THE CONTRACT FOR THE REDEMPTION OF THE LAND TAX. Printed certificate with MS inserts, large folio. Lists 9 premises with Proprietor, Occupier, Sum assessed. Folded with docket title. Signed by two Commissioners. 1802. £16.00
    Includes tenements of Trevanger, Treverrow, Tregwarmond.

  51. St. Minver INSURANCE CERTIFICATE for 'St. Minver House' and farms and cottages in Church Town and Trevanger, St. Minver. 2pp., folio, blank conjoint leaf, folds. Manuscript inserts, listing 23 properties. Vignette at top of page, size 4" x 5", showing large sun flanked by firemen. 1901. £7.00

  52. St. Minver LEASE of Anthony's tenement in Tregwarmond in St. Minver, Trehane Symons to Samuel Symons. On paper, size 19" x 26", two good wax seals with busts, some minor small splits at folds, and slight wear at two points where folds meet with loss of a couple of letters... together with... DEPOSITION of Moses Ede, son of Roger Ede, who held a lease in Tregwarmond under Jonathan Anthony, relative to the bounds of the tenement, hedges etc. (a Walter Ede is referred to in the 1793 lease). 31 lines, small folio, signed and witnessed. 2 items. 1793 and 1806. £20.00
    The closes appurtaining to the messuage were called Neilden's Ground, German's Bargain, Seven Acres. 'his father always cut the said Bound of furze which was stubbed up, when the High road was formed...'

  53. St. Minver LEASE of Anthony's tenement in Tregwarmond in St. Minver, Trehane Symons to Samuel Symons. On paper, size 19" x 26", two good wax seals with busts, some minor small splits at folds, and slight wear at two points where folds meet with loss of a couple of letters... together with... DEPOSITION of Moses Ede, son of Roger Ede, who held a lease in Tregwarmond under Jonathan Anthony, relative to the bounds of the tenement, hedges etc. (a Walter Ede is referred to in the 1793 lease). 31 lines, small folio, signed and witnessed. 2 items. 1793 and 1806. £20.00
    The closes appertaining to the messuage were called Neilden's Ground, German's Bargain, Seven Acres. 'his father always cut the said Bound of furze which was stubbed up, when the High road was formed...'

  54. St. Wenn A PARTICULAR and estimate of... the Barton of Tregannetha in the Parish of St. Wenn.... surveyed in the month of July 1803 by John Stephens of Lower St. Columb. Manuscript valuation on one side of single sheet size 15" x 6". Folds. Lists 21 fields by name, plus dwelling house and garden, with acreages, value per acre, and yearly value. 1803. £16.00

  55. Tregwarma, St. Minver LEASE of a messuage and tenement at Tregwarma, late Ede's, Trehane Symons of Trevine, to Samuel Symons of Tregwarma. In ink on paper, size 23" x 20", a few minor splits at folds, and hole at one point with loss of a couple of letters, some slight waterstaining at a couple of folds. Wax seal. 1790. £12.00
    Stipulates what farming practices were to be followed. For example a barge load of sea sand was to be spread on every acre broke for Tillage, clover and trefoil seeds were to be sown, etc.

  56. Trevalver NOTE to Patrick Willis, Yeoman, Trevalver, from Henry Williams. Dated May 15th 1801. 7 lines in ink on a slip of paper, saying he gives notice that he has removed 'the Gate Posts belonging to you which stood in Carlumb Lane' according to the notice he gave him on the 4th and 'put them in a field you occupy at Keiro'. 1801. £5.00

  57. Whig cause in Cornwall A SUBSCRIPTION in favour of Mr. White, editor of The Independent Whig, in consideration of his pecunious losses in the cause of Liberty. Manuscript, single 4to sheet, headed as above, with 13 signatures with the amount subscribed. On verso is 'Paid £15 10s. to Mr White March 21st at the Whig Office.' Folds. Paper watermarked 1813. £25.00
    Among the subscribers are R. Gerveys Grylls, Wm. Davey, J. Rashleigh, Wm. Michell. The British Library has a copy of 'The Trials at large of the Editor and Printer of the Independent Whig, Sunday Newspaper (J.H.H. and W. White); on charges of Libels on Lord Ellenborough and Sir S. Le Blanc, Taken in short-hand.' 1808.

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