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Lesley Aitchison's - Leicestershire selection

Maps, Plans, Manuscripts, Documents, Engravings, Ephemera, etc.

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A selection of :- Leicestershire Acts of Parliament
When ordering from this list please note item No, and brief description.
Measurements for maps, engravings, etc are given depth x width.

  1. Arden (William) MAP OF AN ESTATE belonging to William Fludyer Esquire in the Parish of Somerby, in the County of Leicester, 1838. Manuscript plan, very finely drawn in delicate ink. Scale 6 chains to an inch. Size 25" X 19", plus margins, on thick paper backed with linen. Title in an attractive variety of lettering, scale bar, compass rose. Shows village of Somerby, with Church and buildings, road to Cold Overton, footway, two areas of land, with fields named with acreage. Adjoining owners named. 1838. £90.00
    A fairly plain map, showing 15 fields, with quite a large area of blank space around. Only the main road coloured. W. Arden is listed in Eden's 'Dictionary of Land Surveyors' as making estate plans in Northamptonshire, Rutland.

  2. Bottesford ACCOUNT OF MONEY PAID AS EXECUTOR on behalf of the late Matthew Ravell by me Richd. Bartram. Manuscript accounts over 10p. 4to, listing expenses from April 1828 - May 1830. Begins with 3 entries for sexton, bearers' and nurse's fees and continues with farm expenses, for 'Joseph Handy for shepherding...', 'Willm. Hodson for Packing Wooll', 'Taking the Wooll to Newark', '53 Sheep bought at Grantham', 'Elizabeth Rouse 13 days haymaking', 'Duke of Rutland a year's chief rent'. Approx. 18 entries per page... with... at the other end of the sewn sheets 'Account of Money Received as Executor in trust of the late Matthew avell by me Richd. Bartram.' 5p. Includes sale of Sheep, foal, barley, 109 Tods of wool, 'heifer sold at Grantham' etc. 15 pages in all. 1828-30. £40.00
    Matthew Ravell lived at Bottesford and died in 1828 at the age of 72.

  3. Desford Coal Company LEASE of all seams of coal underlying portions of the glebe land in the Parish of Newbold Verdon. The Revd. H. Legge to the Desford Coal Company Ltd. Printed lease on 15p., small folio. Includes small plan showing land involved. 1938. £8.00

    LEICESTERSHIRE Manuscripts, Maps, Engravings, Ephemera, etc.
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  4. Misterton PARTICULARS of the Valuable Freehold Estates at Walcote... Dwelling-House... Three Farm Houses... 329a.... which will be Sold By Auction at the Hind Inn, Lutterworth... October the 1st, 1845. 2pp., plus full page plan lithographed by Le Blond & Co. Title page in a variety of type-faces with decorative border, docket title on verso rather dusty. 1845. £36.00
    With detailed Schedule of Tenants, Field Names, etc. 'The House would form a very eligible Residence.... being in the immediate Vicinity of excellent Coverts in the Quorn, Pytchley, and Atherstone Hunts...'

  5. Newbold Verdon MINUTE BOOK OF PARISH MEETINGS August 1863 to February 1895. Manuscript on 122p, one meeting per page, size 8" x 6", parchment covered boards, spine chipped at bottom, boards dust-marked. Each minute signed by Chairman and 4 members. The meetings appoint named constables, overseers of the poor, guardians, waywardens, and deciding other matters, for example that the Parish house and gardens be sold, letting the 'Gravel Holes' etc. Some spotting on a couple of pages. 1863-1895. £70.00

  6. Newbold Verdon PROBATE OF THE WILL of Isaac Wright of Newbold Verdon, thrashing machine worker. 10 lines on vellum, size 8" x 18", administration certificate, printed with manuscript inserts, attached. Large papered seal of the Leicestershire Court. 1864. £10.00

  7. Newbold Verdon SURVEY AND VALUATION of the Parish of Newbold Verdon in the County of Leicester made by the Commissioners at the time of the inclosure July 22nd 1811. Manuscript on 13 pages, sewn in rough paper wraps, with title on front wrap and the top of the first page. Tear in front wrap. Written on one side only. The first 7 pages are ruled in columns for Owners, Occupiers, Property, Annual Value, Rate. Lists 55 owners. Signed by John Smith one of the Commissioners. There follow 5 pages 'Land Tax Proportioned' in columns for name of proprietor, annual value, sums exonerated for redemption. Signed by Smith, and signed again with a declaration on the last page. 1811. £65.00

  8. Oadby area FARM ACCOUNTS 1856 - 1864. Narrow folio cash book, 12«" x 4", parchment covered boards, darkened and rubbed at spine. Probably for a farmer called Hawthorn. 109 pages of entries, in an untidy hand, plus many blanks, listing amounts for cheese sold (the sale of cheese predominates) under the heading of purchaser, barley, wheat, oats sold, payments for thatching etc. ('2 men thatching Cotages 2.6d a day, 4 days... £1. 0s 0d'), wages of workers, noting agreements made with them 'Jane Bryan has engaged herself to Mrs Hawthorn for £11. 10s from the 10 of October 1877 till 10 of October 1878', 'sold Mr Evrett 11 qrtrs of beans'. At the beginning of the book about 6 pages have been cut out. 1856-1864. £70.00
    Mentions Oadby, 'Burbidge' (Burbage), Seagrave.

  9. Prior (John) TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE FRANCIS EARL OF HUNTINGDON ...By His Lordships Permission... This Map of Leicestershire from an Actual Survey begun in the Year 1775 and Finished in the Year 1777... is Dedicated... Engraved map on four sheets, scale 1" to a mile, with the original outline colouring of the hundreds in pale yellow, engraved by J. Luffman. Each sheet measures approx. 21" x 23". Large title cartouche, with coat of arms, fruit, view of Ashby Castle, coal, yarn winder. Compass rose, scale bar with statute and geographic miles, Reference Table. Shows roads and toll bars, gentlemen's seats and farmhouses, Roman Stations, windmills and water mills, 'engines', coal pits, lime works, woods and plantations at country seats shown with small trees, churches shown with tiny elevations. Bottom left is a 'Plan of Leicester', size 12" x 10", and bottom right a diagram showing 'Principal Stations in this survey whence all other places are projected.' To the right of the title cartouche is a description by Prior of the use the meridians of St. Martin's Church, Leicester, and the Greenwich Observatory. Each sheet has been lined with Japanese tissue on verso. The top 6" of the upper two sheets is dust-marked, and these two sheets as a whole are slightly dusty. There are traces of some old creases along the top of the map, and traces of an old vertical fold in each sheet. The bottom left sheet has two lines of small light brown spots running from the top border of the Plan to the top edge of the sheet. There is dustmarking along the bottom edge of the map reaching about 3" into the map. Published according to Act, 1st Jany. 1779. £750.00
    This is the first edition of the map, others followed in 1804 and 1819. The Rev. John Prior was master of the Grammar School at Ashby, and curate of Willesley. The survey was carried out by his former pupil Joseph Whyman. Prior was awarded one of the cash prizes of the Society of Arts for this survey. Scarce.

  10. Queen Anne's Bounty COUNTERPART MORTGAGE for securing £200 with interest, the Revd. W. W. Greenway Rector of Newbold Verdon, to the Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne. On vellum size 21" 27", with large blue papered seal appended, showing a seated Queen Anne. 1866. £18.00
    The mortgage refers to several Acts of Parliament for improving the residences of the clergy, and the bargain and sale to the governors of 'all the Glebe lands tithes rents...' for 35 years.

  11. Teesdale & Co. Publisher MAP OF LEICESTERSHIRE Engraved fully hand-coloured map, size 13" x 16". 1832. £15.00
    Shaded in wards.

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