ESSEX Reduced from the Ordnance Survey.
Scale 1" = 4 miles. Colour printed, size 11" x 16", central fold. Divided into 5 mile squares.
¶ From Bacon's New Large Scale Ordnance Atlas.
WILL of Thomas Bram of Billericay, Glazier.
Contemporary copy on 2 folio sheets. Directs that his lands in Great Burstead be sold and the money used for numerous bequests, to his apprentice, poor of Great Burstead, etc.
Castle Hedingham
PROBATE of the Codicil to the will of Ambrose Myall (already Proved) late of Castle Hedingham decd.
Vellum, size 16" x 21", written in a particularly large and bold hand, with probate certificate in manuscript attached, large papered seal. John Parmenter Parish Clerk and Timothy Bowyer, Innkeeper, both of Stambourn, swear that the writing of Myall's memorandum the document is definitely his 'having often seen him write and subscribe his name'.
Chapman (John) and Andre (Peter)
A MAP OF THE COUNTY OF ESSEX from an Actual Survey.
This is the key map to their large scale survey. Engraved, dissected and mounted on linen, size 18" x 23", plus margins, with a compass rose, a vignette cartouche and inset plans of Harwich and Colchester. Folding into a small 8vo marbled slipcase, with the original label titled:- 'Essex. Sold by Wm Faden Geographer to the King, Charing Cross.' Slipcase slightly rubbed, light browning and small stain to linen, but map clean.
Published as the Act directs Oct. 1st 1777, Chapman (John) and Andre (Peter)
Creighton (R), Walker (J. & C) and Lewis (S)
ESSEX. (Map)
An original decorative, hand coloured, steel engraved map, size 7" x 9", plus margins. With the Polling Places for the Northern and Southern Divisions noted in the top margin. A clean copy, with sea, and county border coloured.
Engraved by R. Creighton, J. & C. Walker, published by S. Lewis, c.1831
Little Burstead
titled 'Little Burstead Church, Essex, S.E.'. Size 6" x 7«", with ruled border, in grey tones, with detailing in ink. Some slight spotting in sky area.
¶ The foreground of the churchyard is shown in a rather poor perspective but the architectural detail of the church is well-drawn.
ESSEX Manuscripts, Maps, Engravings, Ephemera, etc.
For a further selection and to receive my latest catalogue please
email :- lesley@localhistory.co.uk
Purleigh, Althorne, Bridgemarsh Island
Scale 6" to 1 mile, size 24" x 35", plus margins, dissected and mounted on linen, folding into 8vo paper wraps. A few small fields shaded.
Second Edition 1897.
MEMORANDUM of an Agreement made between Henry Gilbert the elder in Sisted and Daniel Weaver the younger his apprentice.
Releases Weaver from his servitude for the sum of £2., stating that he is not to become chargeable to Gilbert 'on Account of Sickness or any Other Accidence'. 1p., sm. folio, signed by the three parties, witnessed. 1763... together with... Receipt dated 17th July 1762 for a payment of interest by Daniel Weaver for purchase money of an Estate conveyed to him. 7 lines, 8vo... together with... A True Inventory of the Household Furniture of Daviel Weaver late of Systed...' 10 lines on sm. 4to sheet, signed with her mark by Sarah Weaver. As well as rush bottom chairs, pewter plates, warming pan, etc., includes brewing articles 'one brewing copper and four tubbs... one twenty and one thirty gallon vessel...'... together with small slip of paper 'An account of the Goods that have been sold late the property of Daniel Weaver', with price. 9 items listed.... together with... Lawyers Bill to Mrs Sarah Weaver, Dec. 1769, for preparing the probate of her late husband's will. 8 items listed. 1p., sm. 8vo. 5 pieces.
late 18th century.
ACCOUNT of sums paid in 1751 to Daniel Wood from John Thorn and Miss Rayment relative to a mortgage on messuage at Stisted.
1p., 4to, signed and witnessed... with... Memorandum relative to a mortgage of 1742 from Daniel Wood to John Disbrow, 13 lines, 1p., small 4to... with... a note on a slip of paper saying that when the deed was executed Hannah Wood was just then delivered of a child 'and could not sit up in the bed which was the reason of her making her marke...' (the deed not present)... together with a receipt of 1785 for money paid by Mrs Sparrow relative to a blacksmith's shop in Stisted, 1785, and a note of June 5 1724 for £40 for land bought by John Finch of Henry Hensman now in the occupation of Elias Harvey. 4 lines, witnessed.
AN ESTIMATE OF THE TIMBER now Growing upon a Farm Call'd Kentish in the Parish of Stisted an Estate of the Late Mr Charles Jegon Deceased as Follows...
Manuscript, 1p., small folio. 22 lines listing name of wood or field, number of oaks, elms etc., and total in money. Folds.
Tolleshunt D'Arcy
RECONVEYANCE of land at Tolleshunt d'Arcy, part of Clarke's and Beadle's Farm, James Hedding of Sawston, Cambridge, Paper Maker, to Frank Mynott.
2p, folio, on vellum. Sketch map of premises on second page.
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Email:- lesley@localhistory.co.uk
Essex Acts of Parliament --
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